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Tait Elan / Orca Ni-Cd

Tait Elan / Orca Ni-Cd


  Application Two Way Communications,Two Way Radio Chemistry Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) Voltage 7.2V Nominal Capacity 1200mAh Brand Master (this product is a compatible alternative to that of the original brand) Width 60.08mm …

Tait Elan / Orca Ni-MH

Tait Elan / Orca Ni-MH


  Application Two Way Communications, Two Way Radio Chemistry Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Voltage 7.2V Nominal Capacity 2000mAh Brand Master (this product is a compatible alternative to that of the original brand) Width 61.1mm Height 23.9mm Length/Breadth/Depth 115.6m…

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